Cable Accessories
Accessories from SCHLEUNIGER for prefeeding, wire marking, inkjet printing, labeling, wire stacking, cable coiling and tying; ARC binding machines; KABATEC taping and bundling machines; KABELMAT re-reeling and cable bundling machines.
Schleuniger PreFeeder 60
The PreFeeder 60 prefeeding machine has been specially designed for use with fully automatic crimping machines such as the Schleuniger CrimpCenter models. It feeds wire and cable up to 6 mm².
Schleuniger PreFeeder 1000
The PreFeeder 1000 handles 300 mm reels weighing up to 20 kg and is ideal for tension-free prefeeding to an automatic wire and cable processing machine.
Schleuniger PreFeeder 1100
The PreFeeder 1100 is a solid and reliable benchtop electrical prefeeding machine for cable reels up to 20 kg and 457 mm in diameter.
Schleuniger PreFeeder 1000 MX
The PreFeeder 1000 MX handles 300 mm reels weighing up to 20 kg and has been specifically adapted for very thin wires ranging from 0.4 to 3.5 mm outer diameter.
Schleuniger PreFeeder 2200
The PreFeeder 2200 is a free-standing, electrical prefeeding machine designed to pull wire and cable from reels weighing up to 50 kg.
Schleuniger PreFeeder 2500
The PreFeeder 2500 is an active dereeler and the ideal feeding system for wire, small cables and tubing.
Schleuniger PreFeeder 3200
The PreFeeder 3200, is a powerful, competitive, user-friendly and space-saving prefeeder capable of pulling cables up to 35 mm O.D.
Schleuniger WireStacker 3100
The WireStacker 3100 is a modular high-performance wire stacker for the precise, axial stacking of cables. The system consists of either a base element of 2.5 m or a base element with an extension to 5 m.
Schleuniger WireStacker 3150
The WireStacker 3150 is a high-performance wire stacker for the precise, axial stacking of cables. The system is available with 2.5m,5m,7.5m, or 10m in length.
Schleuniger CableCoiler 1300
The CableCoiler 1300 is a stand-alone, fully synchronized high performance cable coiler for cut and strip machines.
Schleuniger CableCoiler 4000
The CableCoiler 4000 is a motorized heavy-duty cable coiling machine designed to interface with the MegaStrip 9600.
Schleuniger HotStamp 4140
The HotStamp 4140 is designed for economical high quality marking of wires, cables and tubing.
Schleuniger HotStamp 4500
The HotStamp 4500 marks wires and cables up to 15 mm outer diameter.
Schleuniger TTP 4000 Thermal Transport Printer
The TTP 4000 is a programmable thermal transfer printer for high precision wire marking, and meets even the most demanding quality requirements.
Schleuniger InkJet Printer
Industry proven, non-contact ink jet printers create durable, easy to read dot matrix characters on most wire and cable jackets.
Schleuniger CenterStrip CSU
The CenterStrip CSU is designed to precisely strip insulation windows from wires and multi-layer cables in a range from 0.5 – 10 mm².
Schleuniger SealCleaner 20
The SealCleaner 20 is an accessory used in loose piece sealing.
Arc Binding Machine "LSI" Type
This versatile machine wraps, tightens and knots most cables. Operates either by switch pin on the table or foot pedal. Time or cycle, less than 1 second.